Comments on: Our Post on Puck Daddy – SCF Preview: Best Beards WE’RE GIRLS. WE LOVE HOCKEY. WE WENT TO BOSTON UNIVERSITY, SO WE WATCH MIRACLE A LOT. Thu, 22 Dec 2016 17:02:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lindsay Wed, 30 May 2012 20:11:22 +0000 “This epic beard grows out, instead of down, and if the Finals go long he may cross over into that time Joaquin Phoenix went crazy and tried to be a rapper. Like a tractor beam, once you’re hooked by the magnetic pull there’s no sense in fighting. This unstoppable beard will not be contained by the circumference of a hockey helmet. Regardless of who you root for in this series, Penner’s beard deserves a standing ovation.”

Literary perfection, friends.

By: MouthGuard Wed, 30 May 2012 18:35:31 +0000 “He and Mike Richards recently sat behind the netting at a Dodgers game looking like gorillas in the zoo. If you told us they threw out all their Ed Hardy shirts, we’d almost believe you.” DYING. 🙂

But c’mon – WHY won’t Parise at least TRY to grow one?! Unless the whole team made a pact and decided that playoff beards were bogus and they were going to buck the trend entirely (which might not be a bad idea for next year, much as we all love the beards), doesn’t it look lame for their CAPTAIN (who clearly has more than enough hair to complete this assignment in no time at all) not to at least have a patchy one? As you point out, Brownie wins the captains contest purely because he showed up with SOMETHING on his face. This Parise no-beard further proves to me that he’s a vain diva who still has a long way to go before he’s anywhere near the calibre of his papa. But I digress…

Your PD posts are just getting funnier and funnier. How will you top yourselves next time?!
