I now pronounce you Mr. Hilary Duff.


This just in from US WEEKLY: “TEAM PLAYER: NHL player Mike Comrie, 30, new husband of Hilary Duff, 22, and formerly of forward for the Edmonton Oilers, took a pay cut to sign with the Pittsburgh Penguins to help develop their hockey franchise.”

Let me translate this for you as a publicist myself, Hilary told Mike that in no uncertain terms was she moving to the frozen tundra that is Edmonton because not only is Edmonton as dead as her career, the basement dwelling Oilers have no prospects this season either and SOMEONE has to pay for that gaudy bauble on her finger even with a pay cut!

But I want to be a fly on the locker room wall when training starts and I hope to god someone in Edmonton reads US Weekly and faxed it over to the Penguins so they know their Saviour is coming! Because we all KNOW the Penguins need help building their franchise because Mike did such an awesome job in Edmonton!

** Note from Pants: Poor Mike Comrie wants to win a Cup so badly he’s willing set his pseudo-famous wife loose around the Penguins.  That is desperation!  My fiance won’t even let me in the state of PA and I never had a Disney Channel show or veneers on all my teeth.


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  1. billy Reply

    Actually, I’ve heard Duff really likes E-town and would not mind moving there. He’s lucky unlike Fisher you know her spoiled self didn’t want anything to mess up her country music. :just heard about Fishy’s trade heh:
    I always hear about Duff so I’m pretty sure she makes a few million a year more than him not that he needs it! I have to appreciate someone playing just for fun and not for $.