Tazer Cats!!!

If you’ve been reading this blog with any regularity, you’ve probably realized that we are mental.  Totally mental…but in a good way.

I give you this example…

Pants and I were GChatting yesterday about the Towes post that she was writing for the day.

Chatting about how our Tazer Foxy Friday post gets crazy hits, even though we posted it waaaaay back in October.  (Ladies love the JT!).

Chatting about how he’s so awesome at the hockey and  so *derpface* all the time and how his team is strugglin’ like Princess Buttercup in the quicksand of the Fire Swamp.

And then I had an idea.  A red, goal-light idea.

What if I combined one of our WUYS favorite players  with one of our other favorite things – cats with lasers? How many hits would those posts get?

I typed out the following words with so much giddy excitement that I got light-headed.

Tazer Cats.

Yes.  That is right.  Tazer Cats.

Jonathan Towes + Cats with lasers = Tazer Cats.

Cat with Laser courtesy of www.animalswithlightsabers.com

I’m thinking this is going to be a recurring feature…

Mental?  Totally.

Random?  Obviously.

Amazeballs?  ABSOLUTELY.

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  1. Cassy Reply

    But I still love you guys for your sheer genius, awesomeness, beauty and brilliance.

    And for the fact you understand my confusion about loving some Caps (not Ovi Dawn!) and my wailing and gnashing of teeth as regards Savvy.

  2. Bonus points for using “Fire Swamp” in a post!