What's Kris Letang Been Up To?

After “Pants-Gate” and no, Pants didn’t get in Letang’s pants, although she wishes and we’d all be super jealous while simultaneously cheering her on, Letang has been suspiciously flying under the radar as far as creating any drama. But he ranks 13th in the NHL with his time on the ice. Should we nick name him Vanilla Ice? Ice Ice Baby? And watching his day-off interview, he committed sacrilege. He CUT HIS HAIR! Not by much but his glorious locks are much shorter. Did he and Staal get a two-fer? NOT HAPPY. (video)

He’s the Penguin’s work horse and go to guy right now. But I’m not complaining. It’s the only reason I watch. He’s easy in the eyes. 😉 Even if he has to wear special pants. I predict at least a Norris nom for him. If not, I’m going to throw a hissy fit. I can’t believe I’d do that for a Penguin but this boy deserves it. That would be EPIC!

Anyone up for a trip to Las Vegas …!

We hear you wear special 'pants' ... is that true?


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  1. Seriously Pissed Reply

    I love you guys. And I love this photo. It cracks me up every time I see it.

    And again, a Penguin gets a hair cut and there is serious flooding in Pittsburgh. Come on guys. You’re wrecking our city with the tears of the women who love your hair. Actually Letang’s hair is fine. I like it. It was getting messy. No shorter than that though.

  2. dawncherrie Reply

    Hair is SERIOUS business. SERIOUSLY PISSED. HA! Ovi has none now and he looks like he’s two. NOT GOOD. He looked better a little scruffy. I like Special Pants/Hot Mop with his hair a little longer but I’ll take what I can get. BTW – watching CBC right now and some Penguin walked right by the camera in his underwear – WHAT!

    • Cassy Reply

      So long as there’s enough to grab onto, eh?

      Or maybe that’s the reason for the ritual shearing?

      • I checked it out – looks like he had his split ends thoroughly dealt with 😉 so about an inch or so off the ends…

  3. dawncherrie Reply

    I guess as long as one can push it behind his ears, it’s OK. ut it seems more like about three of four. It no long flows as he skates.